Pre-Coubertinian Olympic Restoration Attempts

A Necessary Exaltation to the Original Motivators of Modern Olympism


The recognition of the process from which the Modern Olympic Games come, corresponds precisely to the approach of the historical paradigm of the past-present-future, an aspect that allows, from the protection of science, to approach the past objectively as a tool for understanding the current reality and the construction of possible paths of future transformation. The Olympic Games, as the articulating axis of this document, are presented as the pinnacle of competitive and high-performance sport, being a stage where athletes with great preparation and experience use the maximum of their abilities to achieve the long-awaited victory. The origin of this great competition, as a festive celebration of Olympism, has occasionally been confused, presenting cases where it is erroneously expressed that they were destroyed by Theodosius I and reappeared, almost magically, after the 1894 Olympic Congress, as an exclusive initiative of the Baron Pierre de Coubertin. The objective of this document is to recognize the restorative attempts prior to Coubertin's idea as initial and vital motivators of Modern Olympism.

Keywords: History, Olympics, Olympic restoration, Pierre de Coubertin


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How to Cite
Pérez Restrepo, E. A. (2023). Pre-Coubertinian Olympic Restoration Attempts: A Necessary Exaltation to the Original Motivators of Modern Olympism. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(304), 40-55.
Research Articles