Effect of Hypopressive Exercises in Women with Abdominal Diastasis


Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles (RAMD) generates postural dysfunctions in the pre- and postpartum period, as well as muscle weakness in the endopelvic region and other health conditions that affect women's quality of life in the short or long term. In this context, the present study aimed to evaluate the effects of Hypopressive Exercises (HE) on DMRA in women. This study has a quantitative approach, of a descriptive and comparative nature, it was composed of 11 women, with an average age of 34.27±6.60 years, diagnosed with postpartum abdominal diastasis and practicing EH for at least 3 months. Statistical differences between sets of values from different treatments were determined using Student's T Test, together with Cohen's D Test. The software used for the analyzes was the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). A reduction in abdominal measurements was noted in the supra umbilical regions (79.55±9.23 - 75.55±8.82, p<0.001 – d=0.443), umbilical (86.73±9.65 - 81.18±9.74, p=0.001 – d=0.572) and infra umbilical (86.73±9.65 - 81.18±9.74, p=0.002 – d=0.457). It was also possible to evidence a decrease in the distance between the rectus abdominis muscles, in the supra umbilical (3.54±1.47 - 2.55±1.24, p=0.045 – d=0.728), umbilical (4.45± 1.50 - 2.81±1.10, p=0.002 – d=1.246) and infra umbilical (3.86±1.34 - 2.91±1.38, p=0.050 – d=0.698). It is concluded that EH are effective in reducing abdominal measurements, as well as closing abdominal diastasis. Physical Education professionals need to know the method used to prevent, diagnose and treat DMRA.

Keywords: Pregnancy, Hypopressive Gymnastics, Diastasis, Postpartum


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Author Biographies

Oriele Maria Meurer,


Patrícia Steinbrener,


Matheus Gonçalves Cavassin,


Luciara Nunes Severo,


Débora Tavares de Resende e Silva,


Josiano Guilherme Puhle,


How to Cite
Meurer, O. M., Steinbrener, P., Cavassin, M. G., Severo, L. N., Silva, D. T. de R. e, & Puhle, J. G. (2023). Effect of Hypopressive Exercises in Women with Abdominal Diastasis. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(307), 84-97. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v28i307.4024
Research Articles