Multidimensional Indicators of the Sporting Potential of Young Swimmers


Introduction: Sports performance in swimming by young athletes is a phenomenon determined by numerous factors. Thus, a multidimensional approach has been used, with the intention of analyzing as much information as possible to outline, in the best possible way, the potential of young swimmers. Objective: To evaluate the anthropometric, physical-motor, psychosocial and maturational characteristics of young male swimming athletes from a military school and compare with non-athlete students. Methods: The sample consisted of 366 male students, aged between 12 and 17 years old, who were divided into two groups: Young Swimming Athletes (n=18) and Non-Athletes (n=348). A battery of tests for evaluating multidimensional indicators of sporting potential was applied. Results and Conclusion: Young swimmers had a lower percentage of fat, greater physical-motor performance, better psychological indicators and higher predicted adult height compared to non-athlete schoolchildren. Such results can serve as support for teacher-coaches in the process of identification, selection and development of young swimmers at school level.

Keywords: Swimming, Young athletes, Schoolchildren, Sports talent


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Author Biographies

Renato Melo Ferreira,

Emerson Filipino Coelho,

Luciano Miranda,

Carlos Henrique Vargas Pereira,

Délio Mendes Dias,

Flávio Garcia de Oliveira,

Francisco Zacaron Werneck,

How to Cite
Ferreira, R. M., Coelho, E. F., Miranda, L., Pereira, C. H. V., Dias, D. M., Oliveira, F. G. de, & Werneck, F. Z. (2023). Multidimensional Indicators of the Sporting Potential of Young Swimmers. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(302), 112-128.
Research Articles