Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Physical Education

Identifying Contexts, Attitudes and Levels of Physical Activity


This study aimed to evaluate the process of inclusion of students with disabilities in Physical Education classes in public schools in the city of Fortaleza/CE. Specifically, it diagnosed the most and least inclusive activities, contexts and attitudes, and compared the level of physical activity practice performed by students with and without disabilities during classes. The sample consisted of 77 students of both genders with and without disabilities, enrolled in regular education institutions. For data collection, a class observation protocol and the use of pedometers were used to measure the level of physical activity performed by students with and without disabilities during Physical Education classes. The results showed that the number of students included in regular education who participate in Physical Education classes in the investigated schools is quite small. The analysis and comparison of the level of physical activity performed indicated greater effectiveness in the process of inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities and deaf people and little success in relation to students with multiple disabilities. The teachers' attitudes and the context of the classes directly influence the level of physical activity and participation of these students who were included.

Keywords: Physical Education, Inclusion, Deficiency


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Author Biographies

Isabella Nogueira Silva,

Adriana Inês de Paula,

How to Cite
Silva, I. N., & Paula, A. I. de. (2023). Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Physical Education: Identifying Contexts, Attitudes and Levels of Physical Activity. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(302), 2-16.
Research Articles