Effect of Hand Paddles on the Arm Force Asymmetry during Front Crawl Swimming

A Study with Recreational Swimmers


While arm force asymmetry during crawl swimming could limit performance, the use of hand paddles is suggested reducing this force difference. Thus the purpose of this study was to evaluate the upper limbs force asymmetry of recreational swimmers without and with different shapes and areas of hand paddles. Eight recreational swimmers performed 2 all-out 10 seconds tethered swimming at each experimental situation (with small concave, concave medium, flat medium hand paddles and without hand paddles) while their actions were recorded with a camera. The maximum force of the first 5 cycles were determined for stronger and weaker sides and for dominant and nom-dominant sides. Using parametric statistics, repeatability of the maximum force and symmetry index calculated from handednesswas noted without and with hand paddles, but there was no effect of hand paddles area and shape on the force asymmetry. However, when individual results were analysed, the force asymmetry varied among the conditions in a different way for the participants. Therefore, upper limbs force asymmetry estimated from handednessmay be evaluated through tethered swimming conducted without and with hand paddles, which allows a better analysis than asymmetry estimated from stronger and weaker sides. Thus the use of hand paddles may decrease force asymmetry, but the choice of the hand paddles should be made individually.

Keywords: Swimming, Sport, Biomechanics


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Author Biography

Ingrid Thaiane Soares Batista,


How to Cite
Batista, I. T. S., & Gomes, L. E. (2023). Effect of Hand Paddles on the Arm Force Asymmetry during Front Crawl Swimming: A Study with Recreational Swimmers. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(302), 96-111. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v28i302.3862
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