The Physical Education Teacher as a Mediator of Psychomotor Development in Children in Transition


The objective of this research was to publicize the incidence of physical education graduates in psychomotor development in transition children. The population consisted of 3 classroom teachers from an educational institution in Barranquilla (Colombia), with an intentional non-probabilistic sample. It was framed in a descriptive and transactional methodology of non-experimental design. A survey-type instrument with a Likert-type frequency scale was used. The results allowed to recognize shortcomings in teaching suitability, didactics and curricular aspects, as well as little availability of adequate strategies for teaching physical education at the preschool level. Therefore, curricular and didactic strategies aimed at the adequate teaching of physical education, recreation and sports in preschool, specifically in the transition grade, were proposed, also prioritizing the management and relevance of the teacher in the area of ​​Physical Education.

Keywords: Teaching, Physical Education, Preschool, Didactic


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How to Cite
Campo Peña, A. E., Coba Vides, J. G., Rosales García, J. C., Manga Gamero, F. A., & Mora Núñez, J. F. (2023). The Physical Education Teacher as a Mediator of Psychomotor Development in Children in Transition. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(297), 135-152.
Research Articles