Strength Development in Judo and Karate-do with a Hybrid Training Program


The objective of the research has been to validate a strength program based on the fundamentals of weightlifting and crossfit to respond to the specific needs of the representative judo and karate-do teams of the University of Sonora. The study design was quasi-experimental with a longitudinal scope at three months with pre-test and post-test, with 12 athletes from the representative teams of the University of Sonora participating voluntarily, four from the karate team and eight from judo. The methodology was structured by combining crossfit and weightlifting exercises to form a system of hybrid or combined exercises for application in judo and karate-do training. A significant difference was found in the chest and squat tests, as well as in the muscle and fat percentage measurements. No significant difference in resistance was found. The effect of the hybrid strength training program can be observed by the performance percentage, where the karateka stood out improving in the variable chest with 11.66%, muscle mass in 12.83% and fat mass in 18.78%. On the other hand, judokas stood out in squatting with 9.09% and resistance with an improvement of 3.85%. With the application of the exercises of the proposed hybrid strategy, an increase in strength was recorded in the two groups of judo and karate-do. Based on the gradual increases in strength during the development of the program, he suggests considering that the proposed methodology may be a viable alternative to support the methodological planning of combat sport in actions.

Keywords: Training, Strength, Sport


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How to Cite
Encinas Trujillo, M. O., & Gavotto Nogales, O. I. (2022). Strength Development in Judo and Karate-do with a Hybrid Training Program. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(287), 85-105.
Research Articles