Advantages and Disadvantages in Indoor Handball’s 7x6 Playing Actions

Coaches’ Perception in Portugal


Handball contains tactical, technical, physical, psychological and social organization complexity. This has led coaches and researchers to quantify predefined indicators to analyze the actions that occur most frequently in competition context. Faced with the restrictions imposed by the regulations, athletes operate to try to create numerical superiority situations in relation to the opposing defense and, in this way, win. This study aims to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the use of offensive numerical superiority actions in Handball. For this purpose, a semi-structured interview script was designed with previously defined categories, applied to the two main elite divisions coaches of the competitive system of Portuguese Handball. The creation of a strategic plan for each game goes beyond coaches’ theoretical and ideological fields, in that it does not stem solely from their ideas of the game. In this sense, the advantages and disadvantages in the use of actions in numerical superiority derive from coaches’ beliefs about their athletes’ characteristics and inherent rates of preparation. Therefore, the use of numerical superiority actions are conditioned by permanent processes of analysis and questioning during the periods of training and/or competition.

Keywords: Handball, Coach, Game, Numerical superiority


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How to Cite
Branco, J. C. R., Azevedo, A. M. T., & Eira, P. A. M. R. (2024). Advantages and Disadvantages in Indoor Handball’s 7x6 Playing Actions: Coaches’ Perception in Portugal. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(310), 63-75.
Research Articles