Collective Construction of a Curricular Proposal for Physical Education in the Context of Early Childhood Education


This article seeks to summarize the study that described and analyzed the development of a curricular document to support Physical Education in Early Childhood Education in a city in São Paulo. The article seeks to analyze how the document construction process took place, how the teachers participated during the construction process and how they were represented in the final product of the process. The study sought to base itself on the legal aspects of Physical Education, mainly in relation to Early Childhood Education, and sought to base it on other studies carried out on the subject. The study was carried out in a qualitative way, had an exploratory character and 77 teachers working in the same teaching network could participate. The instruments used for data collection were minutes of teachers' meetings, a verification questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. The collected data were being analyzed qualitatively and as they emerged, variable indicators were being elaborated for their analysis. Finally, the research argues that for a curriculum document to be representative and followed at school, it must be constructed in a participatory way with the teachers who will receive it, be legally substantiated and be plausible and consistent with the reality of the school(s) for which it is intended.

Keywords: Curriculum proposal, Physical Education, Child Education


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Author Biography

Christian Viana Oliveira,

How to Cite
Oliveira, C. V. (2024). Collective Construction of a Curricular Proposal for Physical Education in the Context of Early Childhood Education. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(308), 18-35.
Research Articles