Motor Praxiology in Teacher Training Cycles in Physical Education

The Transgenerational Back and Forth Between Ignoring and Resisting. The Case of Río Negro


Introduction: Firstly, as an opening of the thesis that guided the research, a contextualized description of the problems of disciplinary specificity of Physical Education and the consequences that this has entailed for the current state of the pedagogical field is presented. Secondly, a synthesis of the scientific framework offered by Motor Praxiology is presented in order to reverse what has happened. Objective: The objective of the article is to disseminate the results and the main conclusions and reflections derived from the study on the "case of Río Negro", as empirical evidence that shows the curricular and institutional position of Instituto de Formación Docente Continua en Educación Física (IFDCEF) regarding the substantial epistemological contributions of Motor Praxiology for School Physical Education. Methodology: The study in question had a qualitative-quantitative methodological approach, since complementary methods were used for its realization, such as online questionnaires applied to a study sample made up of teachers of the institution and advanced students in their last year; and a documentary analysis carried out on the curricular framework in force and governing the training process at this given historical moment. Thus, the scope of the research was descriptive. Results and discussions: The analysis of the data derived from the questionnaires, plus the documentary analysis performed, yielded as the main novelty the presence of a gap between what is prescribed at the framework level and the development of the formative classes during the training. Conclusions: The preponderance of Motor Praxiology at the institutional level is alarmingly low.

Keywords: Motor Praxiology, Physical Education, Initial training, Paradigms, Curricular design, Motor behavior


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How to Cite
Gallego, J. I. (2024). Motor Praxiology in Teacher Training Cycles in Physical Education: The Transgenerational Back and Forth Between Ignoring and Resisting. The Case of Río Negro. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(310), 2-19.
Research Articles