Poject-based learning from an interdisciplinary perspective

  • Milton Patricio Tapia Calvopiña Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Margarita Angélica Medina Nicolalde Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Milton David Tapia Medina Universidad Central del Ecuador


Project Based Learning (PBL), involves the incorporation within the teaching-learning process of a different role of both the student and the teacher. Of particular interest is the need for reprogramming from an interdisciplinary perspective the functions of the student as a builder of their learning. Therefore it is that the student in addition to train in situations similar to the reality, incorporate study and learning methods that allow you to develop your ability to work autonomously and your own core competencies; to the same extent that develops skills to apply theoretical knowledge in practice. This new vision broadens the horizon and the scope of each student, stimulates their performance, consolidates its level of competence through the responsibility that introduces given to make decisions in a variety of situations within the project; it is, however, not always understand the importance of the ABP and even less to consider its essence from interdisciplinary as a way to get the optimization of competencies and skills; Understood as a higher stage of autonomy in the construction of significant learning. In correspondence with the above, the aim of this article is to provide a reflective analysis on the value of developing project-based learning, from an interdisciplinary perspective, with emphasis on the integration of knowledge, recognizing the role of the student as the architect of their learning. Based on a methodology of scientific research, stands out as a result: Current educational scenarios that require a new look that allows the introduction of the ABP in an interdisciplinary manner, in such a way as to encourage the student to become protagonist of their learning, as a basis for the development of competencies and the improvement of the quality of the teaching-learning process.

Keywords: Project-based learning, Interdisciplinary, Teaching-learning
How to Cite
Calvopiña, M. P. T., Medina Nicolalde, M. A., & Tapia Medina, M. D. (2017). Poject-based learning from an interdisciplinary perspective. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 22(235), 15-21. Retrieved from https://www.efdeportes.com/efdeportes/index.php/EFDeportes/article/view/33
Research Articles