Analysis of the Conceptions of Leisure and Work of Physical Education Teachers


The research is based on the relationship between leisure and work, starting from the conceptual context, focusing on the understanding that Physical Education teachers have about these meanings. The general objective: to understand the relationship between leisure and work in the daily life of teachers of the Physical Education course at Instituto Federal do Ceará (IFCE), specifically, to identify the concepts of leisure and work of these subjects and how they spread the relationship between these two social spheres. The research methodology is characterized as qualitative, descriptive and field. Interviews were conducted with 11 teachers from IFCE, Campus - Juazeiro do Norte. It was noticed that teachers have an understanding of leisure based on theoretical properties discussed during the work, linked to pleasure, fun, development, rest and well-being, as well as the relationship with free time. The work in the teaching conception, being a sphere of obligations, mischaracterizes it as leisure, but they highlighted that there are common properties between the two spheres, with emphasis on pleasure.

Keywords: Leisure, Work, Teachers, Physical Education


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Author Biographies

Lourenço Nunes Batista Silva,

Amanda Raquel Rodrigues Pessoa,

How to Cite
Silva, L. N. B., & Pessoa, A. R. R. (2023). Analysis of the Conceptions of Leisure and Work of Physical Education Teachers. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(297), 54-70.
Research Articles