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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The authors participated in the conception, analysis of results and contributed really in the realization of the article and make public their responsibility for the content.
  • There are no conflicts of interests with the topic addressed in the article, nor with the products / items mentioned.
  • The sending has not been published before nor has it been submitted for consideration by any other magazine (or an explanation has been provided in the matter in the Comments to the editor).
  • The file of sending is in format Microsoft Word or RTF.
  • Whenever possible, URLs are provided for references.
  • The text has double line spacing; 12 points font size Times New Roman; the bibliography is configured according to the APA format; and all the illustrations, figures and tables are placed in the appropriate places of the text, instead of at the end.
  • The text does not contain author's data: names, contact, curriculum vitae, etc., to assure the double-blind arbitration.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements summarized in the Author's Guidelines, which appear in About the magazine.

Author Guidelines

Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes keeps the receipt of manuscripts permanently open for evaluation, inviting all researchers in the discipline to participate, mainly authors from outside the publishing entity.

Publication rules

The notes must develop the theme in depth with a clear and easy to read style. The content must be Original and Unpublished (for any media, including blogs, social networks, virtual libraries, etc.) and it must not be simultaneously postulated in other magazines or publishing organs. If it was a lecture at an event, indicate place, institution and date thereof. The articles are forwarded under pseudonym to professional specialists who intervene as external reviewers of the Magazine, for their academic supervision through the double blind arbitration.

In the moment of submitting the article it is necessary to select to what Section it corresponds: Research Articles, Review Articles, Innovation and Experiences, Case Study, Opinion Article, Brief Communications (they all are sections that go through double-blind arbitration) and Informations (supervised by the Editorial Direction).

As soon as the article is received, a response is sent to the author informing him / her whether the article is accepted or not for evaluation. Articles are published when they obtain the approval of two external arbitrators. An article can be approved for publication, returned to be corrected in some details, must be modified by the author or authors and be submitted to a new arbitration or rejected. In case of controversy and at the demand of the author or authors, an anonymous third arbitration is used.

The arbitration is done according to an Evaluation Form. The minimum qualification in the Final Evaluation of the Article must be Good (3) for its approval.

At this time, the evaluation and publication process takes between six months and one year.


About the magazine sections

All contributions submitted must be original and unpublished.

Sections of the group "Research studies": in the sections of this category only scientific communications, that must refer to new knowledge based on the results obtained from the research or investigations carried out, are published. A clear explanation of the contribution they make to the scientific knowledge of the journal's disciplinary field must be developed (in each issue Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes publishes a minimum of 80% of Original Content articles in relation to all contributions):

  • Research Articles
  • Case Studies (Clinical)
  • Essays

The section “Articles of the Monograph”, included in the list corresponding to the Sections menu, refers to research articles with original content that make up the monographic issues, of an extraordinary nature, published by Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes. Its objective is to broaden epistemological horizons, based on studies where integration and collaboration are developed through multi, inter and transdisciplinary research.

Sections of the group "Non-exclusively research works":

  • Review Articles
  • Innovation and Experiences
  • Opinion Articles
  • Brief Communications
  • Information (supervised by the Editorial Board)

Access to information on Section Policie



The text of the article must be produced in digital format as neutral as possible (in .doc or .rtf format), margins at 2.54 cm, standard size paper A4 21 x 29.7. Only special indent on the first line: 0.5 cm. Times New Roman 12 font, double-spaced and without spacing. The title of the article must not have more than 15 words.

The text must be sent corrected, with no orthographic, grammar, style or editing errors. The APA Standards for bibliographic references should be used. The tables, graphs and images must be numbered each one separately, consecutively starting at number one, included in the text in the order as they should be published.

The summary will have to have a single paragraph that does not exceed 250 words. It is a synthesis of the most important elements of the article (paper). All the numbers in the abstract, except those that begin a phrase, must be written as digits instead of words. It cannot contain equations, figures, initials, tables or references. It must present in summarized form the introduction, describe the objective, the method or methods, the main results and the most relevant conclusions of the work. The title, abstract and keywords must also be sent in English and conveniently in Portuguese.


About keywords

Keywords can be up to six.

For the selection of the terms that describe the content of the article, the following terminological tools (thesauri) will be used. Depending on the term / s to work, the following sites should be consulted, by alphabetical index or search tool, depending on the thematic area or domain of knowledge that corresponds (each portal offers consultation in different languages ​​and responds to specific topics ):

  • UNESCO Thesaurus
    Languages: English and Spanish.
    It includes terms from the areas of education, culture, natural sciences, social and human sciences, communication, and information.
    Keyword selection: for each term the "preferred term" corresponding to the keyword to be used is indicated.

  • VCB
    Available language: Portuguese.
    Basic Controlled Vocabulary. Language in Social Science. It should be used only in the case of terms for the Portuguese language.
    Keyword selection: for each case the "Termo" accepted to assign is indicated.
  • DeCS
    Available languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Descriptors in Health Sciences. VHL (Virtual Health Library).
Keyword selection: for each term the "descriptor" is indicated, in each language, which corresponds to the authorized keyword. (acceder a sección “Consulta al DeCS”)

For terms that are not included in the indicated thesauri, and are considered central to the content of the article, they may be included in the list of keywords presented. In these cases, it must be reported, with a note in "Comments for the editor" (option available on the first page of the system when starting a submission process).



The article may be written in Spanish, Portuguese or English. It is recommended not to exceed a total of 5,900 words or 15 pages in total.

All authors must be subscribed to the publication. The content may include: photograph of the author or authors and illustrations, photos, graphics, sketches, in digital format (.jpg or .gif) in color or black and white; also sound in mp3 format, animation computed in .WMV format, .AVI, links or other publishable format on the Internet.

It is recommended to structure the content of the article in the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions.

For the final preparation, use the following template.

Complete the information requested once you upload the article. At the end of the procedure, you will receive a reception notice.

Remember before uploading the file, remove all author's data from the text: names, contact data, resume data, etc., to assure the double-blind arbitration.



Those investigations that are covered by the Argentine National Law, n ° 26899, on institutional open access digital repositories, particularly in its article n ° 5, and that are approved and published in the journal, may make the due deposit without processing or permission previous. For the rest of the published contributions, authorization must be requested from the director of the Journal for its reissue or copy on another website, or in another digital or paper format.

In the material sent, the authors must attach all the supporting data of the research.

Once the text is accepted for publication and after published, authorization must be requested to the director of the Magazine for its reprint or copy on another website, or in another digital or paper format. The director reserves himself the right to access or not to the request.

In the material, the authors must attach all the supporting data of the research.

The Journal adheres to the Declaration of Helsinki of 2013 of the World Medical Association, ethical principles for research on human beings; to the Convention on the Rights of the Child of UNICEF; and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of United Nations of 2006. No works are published that violate any of the rights stated in these documents.

They are not published: texts with content that promotes some type of social, racial, sexual, religious or other discrimination; nor articles that already have been published in other sites in the Web World Wide or other analogical or digital media. Approval must be sent by the Research Ethics Committee, if applicable. The articles are controlled by means of anti-plagiarism software. No articles with high plague content are published.


The journal does not charge for the reception, processing and publication of articles, with some exceptions for the contents of the "Information" section, in which costs per publication may be presented. The Information section does not constitute a space for scientific content that goes through the double-blind peer review process.


Monograph Articles

The section “Articles of the Monograph” refers to research articles with original content that make up the monographic issues, of an extraordinary nature, published by Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes. Its objective is to broaden epistemological horizons, based on studies where integration and collaboration are developed through multi, inter and transdisciplinary research.

Research Articles

Contributions that respond to the application of a scientific methodology, clearly explained in the text, with a wording that includes the following contents: summary, introduction, method, results, discussion, conclusions and bibliography used updated to the last 5 years.

Review Articles

Content based on the review of the published literature on a specific topic, with the aim of putting into perspective and compiling information, knowledge and bibliography on the topic(s).

Innovation and Experiences

Narrations, generally without rigorous application of a scientific method, about experiences or proposals that refer to explorations in emerging topics or practices. They can be work in progress or finished; they often constitute initial studies of future research to be carried out with scientific rigor.

Case Study (Clinical)

Descriptive and comparative research where the main objective is to study and communicate the clinical knowledge acquired on specific phenomena. They involve a deep, comparative and systematized examination of clinical cases that, due to their uniqueness, represent special interest and relevance in theapplied discipline(s).

Opinion articles

They describe the point of view of the authors regarding the particularities addressed, about theories, hypotheses and other related aspects inherent to a specific study. They constitute a constructive analysis that facilitate debate, on current scientific and academic issues, in the context of the applied discipline.

Brief Communications

Articles whose length should not exceed 3,500 words, on preliminary results, field work and/or exposition of emerging or descriptive topics in relation to recently published studies.


Brief content (supervised by the Editorial Board) of interest for authors/s, readers/s, editors/s and reviewers/s, whose main objective is to describe and/or report on events, happenings, institutional actions, news of the discipline or scientific field in which Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes is developed. It is the only section that is not evaluated by external supervisors through double-blind review.


Contributions where the authors, based on the objective and clear compilation of information and data, and without the exclusive need to adopt the main criteria that respond to scientific rigor in research, develop an analysis and presentation on a topic or specific problem, based on a personal approach, adding an interpretation, opinion or critical look on what has been studied.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes established in it and will not be provided to third parties or for their use with other purposes.