Vol. 29 No. 311 (2024)

Jugar en paz, jugar en equipo

Play in Peace, Play as a Team
Sport constitutes a universal language that we can all understand and interpret in the face of actions that produce endless positive emotions, which are shared in the community. However, as a reflection of society, it is not exempt from discrimination and this is perceived in a multitude of situations. In recent weeks, Vinicius Jr., a Real Madrid player who is persistently the victim of racist insults from fans, has made the problem visible in public debates with his complaints.
It is possible to build an environment without violence, fairer and more inclusive, and in this sense, in different educational and sports centers there are programs that promote respect for diversity, inclusion and non-discrimination, both for players, coaches, referees, leaders, parents and the general public. An active role for federations is essential in establishing clear anti-discrimination policies, implementing reporting and sanction protocols and procedures. At the same time, States must strengthen laws and regulations, ensuring their effective application and condemnation of offenders, and these actions must be accompanied by the media promoting a narrative that avoids racist, sexist or homophobic language.
Facing these challenges allows us to imagine everything that sport can contribute to building a fairer, more inclusive, more supportive society, privileging dialogue and collaboration between different actors.
Tulio Guterman, Director - April 2024

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Published: 2024-04-03



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