Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes | http://www.efdeportes.com

ISSN 1514-3465


Effects of Plyometric Training Combined with Repeated 

Sprints on Physical Performance in Female Handball Athletes

Efeitos do treinamento pliométrico combinado com sprints repetidos sobre o desempenho em atletas de handebol feminino

Efectos del entrenamiento pliométrico combinado con sprints repetidos sobre el rendimiento en jugadoras de balonmano


Tiago de Assis Neves*


Ciro Winckler**


Ricardo Luís Fernandes Guerra***



*Sports Science Laboratory

Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP)

Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program in Health Science (UNIFESP)

Preparador físico do Santos F.C.

Mestre em Ciências interdisciplinar da Saúde - UNIFESP Campus Baixada Santista

Graduado no Curso de Educação Física pela UNIFESP (UNIFESP) Campus Baixada Santista. 

Atuação como membro do Programa de Educação Tutorial (PET) educação física

Pesquisador bolsista vinculado ao Cnpq

Graduado em Logística pelo Centro Universitário Mont Serrat

Especialização em Logística nacional e internacional

pelo Centro Universitário Mont Serrat.

**Department of Human Movement Sciences

Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP)

Graduado em Educação Física (UNICAMP)

Mestrado em Educação Física (UNICAMP)

Doutorado em Educação Física (UNICAMP)

***Sports Science Laboratory

Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP)

Department of Human Movement Sciences (UNIFESP)

Graduação em Educação Física pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar)
Mestrado em Ciências Fisiológicas (UFSCar)
Doutorado em Ciências Fisiológicas (UFSCar)
Líder do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Ciências do Esporte - GEPCE

Coordenador do Laboratório de Ciências do Esporte - LaCE



Reception: 08/13/2021 - Acceptance: 02/12/2022

1st Review: 12/13/2021 - 2nd Review: 02/09/2022


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Suggested reference: Neves, T. de A., Winckler, C. & Guerra, R.L.F. (2022). Effects of Plyometric Training Combined with Repeated Sprints on Physical Performance in Female Handball Athletes. Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, 26(286), 139-154. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v26i286.3162



    Handball is characterized by high-intensity efforts and sprints and jumps are crucial for the performance during the game; however, little is known about the effectiveness of plyometric training combined with repeated sprints in improving aerobic and anaerobic performance in female handball athletes. Thus, the purpose of this study was to verify whether plyometric training combined with repeated sprints would improve aerobic and anaerobic performance in female handball athletes after preseason. Twelve athletes of the U-20 category (mean age of 18.4 years) were selected, and the variables evaluated covered anthropometric characteristics, body composition, jump tests (vertical and horizontal), aerobic fitness (Yo-Yo test, level 1) and anaerobic fitness (Agility T-test and Running Based Anaerobic Sprint Test) before and after intervention (8 weeks) during the preseason. The training was held three times a week by plyometric exercises (two times a week) combined with repeated sprints (one time a week).Results showed significant differences (p≤0.05) and positive qualitative inference for all variables analyzed between the moments (jump height and distance, agility, aerobic and anaerobic resistance), except for countermovement jump (CMJ) and Fatigue Index. The results of this study revealed that plyometric training combined with repeated sprints could significantly improve aerobic and anaerobic performance in female handball athletes.

    Keywords: Sports. Handball. Plyometric exercise. Athletic performance. Women. Sprint.



    O handebol é caracterizado por esforços de alta intensidade, sendo que sprints e saltos são fundamentais para o desempenho durante o jogo; entretanto, pouco se sabe sobre a eficácia do treinamento pliométrico combinado com sprints repetidos na melhora do desempenho aeróbio e anaeróbio em atletas de handebol do sexo feminino. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se o treinamento pliométrico combinado com sprints repetidos melhoraria o desempenho aeróbio e anaeróbio em atletas de handebol do sexo feminino após a pré-temporada. Doze atletas da categoria Sub-20 (idade média de 18,4 anos) foram selecionados, e as variáveis ​​avaliadas abrangeram características antropométricas, composição corporal, testes de salto (vertical e horizontal), aptidão aeróbia (teste Yo-Yo, nível 1) e desempenho anaeróbio (teste T de agilidade e teste de velocidade anaeróbica baseado em corrida) antes e depois da intervenção (8 semanas) durante a pré-temporada. O treinamento foi realizado três vezes por semana por meio de exercícios pliométricos (duas vezes por semana) combinados com sprints repetidos (uma vez por semana). Os resultados mostraram diferenças significativas (p≤0,05) e inferência qualitativa positiva para todas as variáveis ​​analisadas entre os momentos (altura e distância do salto, agilidade, resistência aeróbia e anaeróbia), exceto para salto com contramovimento (CMJ) e Índice de Fadiga. Os resultados deste estudo revelaram que o treinamento pliométrico combinado com sprints repetidos pode melhorar significativamente o desempenho aeróbio e anaeróbio em atletas de handebol do sexo feminino.

    Unitermos: Esportes. Handebol. Exercício pliométrico. Desempenho atlético. Mulheres. Sprint.



    El balonmano se caracteriza por esfuerzos de alta intensidad, y los sprints y saltos son fundamentales para el rendimiento durante el juego; sin embargo, se sabe poco acerca de la efectividad del entrenamiento pliométrico combinado con sprints repetidos para mejorar el rendimiento aeróbico y anaeróbico en jugadoras de balonmano. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este estudio fue verificar si el entrenamiento pliométrico combinado con sprints repetidos mejoraría el rendimiento aeróbico y anaeróbico en atletas de balonmano después de la pretemporada. Se seleccionaron 12 jugadoras Sub-20 (edad media 18,4 años), y las variables evaluadas incluyeron características antropométricas, composición corporal, pruebas de salto (vertical y horizontal), condición aeróbica (Yo-Yo test, nivel 1) y rendimiento anaeróbico (Test T de agilidad y test de velocidad anaeróbica de carrera) antes y después de la intervención (8 semanas) durante la pretemporada. El entrenamiento se realizó tres veces por semana utilizando ejercicios pliométricos (dos veces por semana) combinados con sprints repetidos (una vez por semana). Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas (p≤0,05) e inferencia cualitativa positiva para todas las variables analizadas entre los momentos (altura y distancia del salto, agilidad, resistencia aeróbica y anaeróbica), excepto para salto con contramovimiento (CMJ) e índice de fatiga. Los resultados de este estudio revelaron que el entrenamiento pliométrico combinado con sprints repetidos puede mejorar significativamente el rendimiento aeróbico y anaeróbico en jugadoras de balonmano.

    Palabras clave: Deportes. Balonmano. Ejercicio pliométrico. Desempeño atlético. Mujeres. Sprint.


Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, Vol. 26, Núm. 286, Mar. (2022)




    Handball is a sport of intermittent, high-intensity and short-duration efforts amidst active intervals, involving ball leading or not. (Luteberget, & Spencer, 2017; Michalsik et al., 2014).


    Competitive handball demands great physical effort, especially with regard to maximum strength and power, change of direction as well as aerobic capacity (Manchado et al., 2018; Tillaar et al., 2020). During a handball match, repeated accelerations, sprints, jumps, rapid changes of direction, and body contacts between athletes occur, indicating a high need for muscle strength and anaerobic performance (Mhenni et al., 2017; Michalsik et al., 2014) i.e. ability to sustain the performance of maximum exercise at high intensity. (Hammami et al., 2019; Hermassi et al., 2017).


    In this context, training these abilities is crucial for the handball player’s performance, with special regard to anaerobic conditions, which are preponderant for actions in game (Hammami et al., 2019). Thus, the development of muscle power becomes relevant because it is related with actions that require ability of acceleration, rapid change of direction and speed of movement, besides being essential in body feints, dribbles, marking and tactics of game (Luteberget, & Spencer, 2017). Specifically in the preseason phase, an emphasis should be made on improving fitness and physical abilities, whereas during the course of the season, the recommendation should be to develop technique and tactics, while maintaining physical fitness. (Assuncao et al., 2018; Cherif et al., 2012; de Villarreal et al., 2008)


    In this sense, plyometric training (PT) has been seen as a bridge between strength and speed, being used as a useful training tool for athletes involved in dynamic sports that demand muscle power in their main actions, as well as being used to improve performance in sports resistance events (Assuncao et al., 2018; Chelly et al., 2014; de Villarreal et al., 2008; Markovic, & Mikulic, 2010; Tillaar et al., 2020). In addition, training of repeated sprints has also been shown to be effective in improving the performance and muscle power of athletes. (Gil et al., 2018; Luteberget et al., 2015)


    Despite this, the results of the combination of these efficient training methods are still unclear in the literature, specifically for female athletes. Some studies have evaluated this condition, however, in male athletes and other sports (Cherif et al., 2012; de Villarreal et al., 2015; Gil et al., 2018). Thus, the literature is still incipient when it comes to the effects of plyometric training combined with repeated sprints in female handball athletes.


    Given the above, the problem of the study consists of knowing whether plyometric training when combined with repeated sprints promotes improvement on aerobic and anaerobic performance in a group of handball athletes during preseason. In this sense, the purpose of this study was to verify whether plyometric training combined with repeated sprints would improve aerobic and anaerobic performance in female handball athletes after preseason.




    This is a prospective, quantitative and cross-sectional intervention study and was completed in accordance to the Helsinki Declaration.




    Twelve handball athletes participated in the study (age=18.4 ± 1.2 years; body mass (BM) = 66.00 ± 12.10 kg; body fat Percentage (%BF) =26.26 ± 3.19%; muscle mass (MM) = 48.45 ± 7.62 kg, height = 168.0 ± 8 cm, and wingspan = 173.0 ± 9 cm) according to the following inclusion criteria: being handball athletes confederated to the Brazilian Handball Confederation in the U-20 category and having no history of injury in the last six months. The athletes’ mean time of competitive handball practice was 6.4 ± 1.5 years. Exclusion criteria were: performing less than 75% of trainings and not having completed all evaluations at different moments.




    The study was conducted as part of an ongoing program for athlete training, aiming to compete in a championship at the end of preseason training (eight weeks). The athletes performed specific tests before and after the preseason period to analyze possible differences between the periods. To perform the tests, the athletes were instructed to abstain from physical exercise (≥24 h), and to arrive at the laboratory fully rested, well fed and hydrated. The tests were carried out on different days: the first day had evaluations for anthropometry, body composition and jump tests; the second day had the agility test; the third day had the aerobic test (Yo-Yo test); and the fourth day had test of anaerobic power named Running-Based Anaerobic Sprint Test (RAST). The maximum performance of athletes was sought in each of the tests, according to protocols.




    Anthropometry and body composition 


    A Sanny® fixed stadiometer with a measuring scale of 0.1 cm was used for height determination and for wingspan measurements (stadiometer in horizontal position). A Balmak® digital anthropometric scale (model BK 300 GC, series 2120 with capacity for 300 kg) with a precision of 100 g was used to measure the BM (Lohman et al., 1988).


    Body composition evaluation was performed through Bioelectrical Bioimpedance Analysis - Biodynamics® Tetrapolar BIA (model 310e) according to the manufacturer’s guidelines for determination of % BF and MM in kg. In addition, the athletes followed instructions for the test. (Giorgi et al., 2018)


    Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test (Level 1) 


    The test consisted of executing 20 meters (round-trip) consecutive races at a progressively increasing speed, with 10 seconds of active recovery after every 40 meters. Five-minute warm up was previously held and, subsequently, the test started with the first four starting motions (0-160 meters) between 10 and 13 km/h, then the next seven races (160-440 meters) with a speed between 13.5 and 14 km/h. Subsequently, the test continued with a gradual increase of 0.5 km/h in speed for every eight starting motions. The test ended for the athlete who, for the second consecutive time, could not complete the marks indicated. Strong verbal encouragement was provided by the evaluator. Total distance and VO2 max (formula: VO2 max (ml/kg/min) = distance (m) × 0.0084 + 36.4) were used as performance criteria in Yo-Yo IRT-L1. (Bangsbo et al., 2008)


    Assessment of vertical and horizontal jump performances 


    For the vertical countermovement jump (CMJ), the protocol described by Hammami et al. (2019) was followed. The athlete remained standing on the contact platform (EMG System, model Biomec 400) with the trunk upright and knees at 180° extension, with hands on waist. In sequence, the vertical countermovement jump was performed. The athlete flexed the knee and then extended it, trying to push the body up and vertically as much as possible. The knees should remain in extension during the flight and landing phase.


    For execution of the horizontal jump (HJ) with both legs, the protocol was followed according to Romaratezabala et al. (2018) in which athletes were positioned behind the jump line and after doing the corresponding countermovement, they jumped horizontally as far as possible with both legs and free arm movement. The distance (cm) of the jump was measured with a tape measure (Tramontina®, 5×19 mm), noting the distance from the jump line to the point of contact of the calcaneus. For this, three jumps were performed and the longest distance was used.


    The triple jump (TJ) with one leg was performed with the jump leg to evaluate the improvement in the capacity of subsequent jumps. To perform horizontal jumps (triple), the athlete positioned herself behind the initial line demarcated in the court. After verbal command, three horizontal jumps were consecutively performed with the same leg, with arm balance allowed. The jumps were limited to three in each leg to avoid effects of muscle fatigue and the longest distance was adopted for analysis. (Hamilton et al., 2008)


    Anaerobic power assessment 


    For maximum anaerobic power measurement, the athletes took the RAST, which consists of, after warm up, six maximum sprints in a distance of 35 meters interspersed by 10-second rest. During the test, the running time was measured using a wireless photocell system (Brower Timing TC, Utah, USA), whereas the rest interval of ten seconds was controlled by a stopwatch (Kikos CR20, São Paulo, Brazil). The effort power (W) was determined in each race by an equation which allowed the determination of maximum power (Pmax = highest mark obtained in the test), average power (Pmean = mean of six efforts), minimum power (Pmin = lowest mark obtained in the test), and fatigue index (FI = [Pmax - Pmin ) / Pmax] * 100). (Zagatto, & Gobatto, 2013)


    Change of direction assessment 


    The T-test was used to measure the agility in which the athlete ran to the front cone, which was at a distance of 9.14 meters, moved laterally to the left, traveling a distance of 4.57 meters, later returned to the center and moved to the right by another 4.57 meters, returning to the center and running backwards to the finish line, again on the path of 9.14 meters (Sassi et al., 2009). Running time was measured using a wireless photocell system (Brower Timing TC, Utah, USA). Each athlete made an attempt for path recognition and three valid attempts for time measurement, with the shortest time being recorded in the results.


Training protocols 


    Periodization was performed based on the plyometric training (Table 1) of jumps focusing on the development of the explosive strength of lower limbs, performed in 17 sessions, combined with repeated sprints (seven sessions), routinely performing three training sessions per week, with a minimum interval of 48 hours between sessions. A standardized warm-up including moderate jogging, dynamic stretching and muscle activation exercises similar to training exercises, was performed before the beginning of each training session, being accompanied by an experienced trainer in strength and conditioning.


    The intervention was performed for eight weeks, which resulted in a total of 685 minutes of plyometric training, 560 minutes of repeated sprint training and 2,220 minutes of on-court technical and tactical training (performed four times a week), representing 19.7%, 16.2% and 64.1% of the training time, respectively.


Table 1. Plyometric training program



Times per week

Sets per jump


Total per session

Hurdle Jump, Squat Jump and Horizontal Jump









































Source: Research data


    Training sessions consisted of the following jumps: hurdle jump (jumps from the ground to the bench and returns) 50 cm above the ground; drop jumps (falls from the top of the bench at 35 cm above the ground, reaches the ground and jumps over a 30 cm high barrier), and horizontal jumps (both legs, as far as possible). The training of repeated sprints (Table 2), however, consisted of races at maximum speed on paths between 8 and 10 meters. Both training fronts were controlled through the scale of subjective perception of effort and had strong verbal encouragement during exercises, which were accompanied by an experienced coach.


Table 2. Sprints training program



Times per Week



Total per session










































Source: Research data


Statistical analysis 


    Descriptive values are presented as mean ± standard deviation. To observe possible differences between the periods of pre- and post-training intervention, the Student’s T-test was applied for related samples. The significance level was set at p<0.05. In addition, inferences based on magnitudes were also calculated.


    The quantitative chances of the variables with higher, similar or lower values were qualitatively evaluated as follows: <1%, almost certainly not; 1 to 5%, very unlikely; 5 to 25%, unlikely; 25 to 75% possible; 75 to 95% probable; 95 to 99%, very likely; >99%, almost certain. If the odds of the best and worst results were both >5%, the true difference was evaluated as uncertain. (Hopkins et al., 2009)




    There were significant changes after the training period for horizontal jump and triple hop (cm), maximum relative oxygen consumption in the Yo-Yo test (VO2 max Yo-Yo (ml.kg-1.min-1)), total path walked at Yo-Yo test (Yo-yo test (m)) and agility (Agility T-Test (sec)). Qualitative inference could be observed for all aforementioned variables, even for countermovement jump (CMJ (cm)) after the training period. Mean ± SD values of variables are summarized in Table 3.


Table 3. Variable for horizontal jumps, vertical jumps (CMJ), 

Yo-Yo test, Agility T-Test (mean ± SD)in handball athletes





90% IC


Horizontal Jump




0.012 *

8 (3.2 - 13)

99.2/0.4/0.4 (very likely)

TH (dominant jumping leg)





36 (10 - 62)

98.5/0.2/1.4 (very likely)






1.1 (-0.34 - 2.5)

76.5/19.9/3.6 (likely)

VO2 max






2.2 (1.5 - 2.9)

100/0/0 (most likely)

Yo-Yo test





270 (180 - 350)

100/0/0 (most likely)

Test-T Agility





0.76 (0.53 - 0.99)

96.6/3.4/0 (very likely)

TH = Triple hop jump; CMJ = Counter movement Jump; *= p<0,05. Source: Research data


    There were significant changes after training for absolute maximum power (Pmax (W)), relative maximum power (Pmax (W/kg)), absolute mean power (Pmean (W)), relative mean power (Pmean (W/kg)), absolute minimum power (Pmin (W)), relative minimum power (Pmin (W)), maximum speed reached during test (MS (km/h)), and total time of performance of the six sprints during test (TT at 6 sprints (s)). Qualitative inference could be observed for all aforementioned variables, except for the fatigue index (FI (%)). Mean ± SD values of variables are summarized in Table 4.


Table 4. Variables in the RAST Test by handball athletes





90% CI


Pmáx (W)




62 (34 - 89)


(most likely)

Pmáx (W/kg)




0.83 (0.58 - 1.1)


(very likely)

Pmed (W)




53 (37 - 69)


(most likely)

Pmed (W/Kg)




0.74 (0.5 - 0.96)


(very likely)

Pmin (W)




40 (28 - 52)


(most likely)

Pmin (W/Kg)




0.58 (0.4 - 0.76)



FI (%)




0.7 (-2.1 - 3.5)



MS (Km/h)




0.91 (0.63 - 1.2)


(very likely)

TT in 6 sprints (s)




 1.7 (1.2 - 2.3)

99.9/0.1/0 (most likely)

QI = Qualitative Inference; Pmax = maximum power; Pmean = mean power; Pmin = minimum power; W = Watts; W/kg = Power relative to body mass; FI = Fatigue Index; MS = Maximum speed; Km/h = Kilometers per hour; TT = Total Time; s = Seconds; % = Percentage; * = p<0,05. Source: Research data




    This study demonstrated that plyometric training (vertical and horizontal jumps) combined with repeated sprints during the preseason of eight weeks was effective in improving the performance of female handball athletes in all variables of jump, agility, aerobic and anaerobic resistance tests.


    Chelly et al. (2014) performing plyometric training (CMJ and depth jump) twice a week for eight weeks with young handball athletes, observed improvement when comparing the initial and final evaluation of the experimental group regarding CMJ height (p≤0.01) and sprint maximum velocity (p<0.001), which did not occur with the control group, which maintained a routine of technical and tactical training on court. In addition, significant differences were observed in these variables when comparing the groups. However, such study was performed with male athletes and presented no data on aerobic and anaerobic or agility endurance.


    On the other hand, Hammami et al. (2019) observed that a complex strength training program (which alternates high loads in strength exercises with subsequent speed exercises such as plyometrics and sprints) with junior female tennis players for 10 weeks, twice a week, provided significant improvements in the performance of tests of speed, agility, CMJ and horizontal jump. Although the protocol was different, such findings are similar to those found in our study, in which the association of plyometric training with repeated sprints promoted a substantial effect on athletes’ performance, which may result in more effective physical actions in order to allow athletes better performance during game actions. (Hermassi et al., 2017; Michalsik et al., 2014)


    The performance of actions involving muscle power such as those performed in sprints and jumps are important and significantly contribute to a good performance in handball (Cherif et al., 2012; Luteberget, & Spencer, 2017). In addition, to obtain good ability of performing repeated sprints in concomitant change of direction is determinant in the in-court sport performance (Sheppard. & Young, 2006), since it generates greater probabilities of success during the competitive season, considering that the physical part of athletes is of crucial importance for high performance.


    In this context, Luteberget, & Spencer (2017) affirm that handball athletes perform sprint actions with rapid changes of direction, given that accelerations and decelerations, jumping ability and agility are of extreme relevance, actions that are closely linked to the development of speed (Sheppard, & Young, 2006). In this context, the findings of our demonstrate the importance of the protocol used in response to the intervention period, since there was improvement in sprint performance (p≤0.002) in all variables analyzed through the RAST (except for fatigue percentage). Assunção et al. (2018) also reported increases in maximum, mean and minimum power (p<0.05) using the RAST for evaluation of anaerobic capacity after intervention of 10 weeks of plyometric training performed twice a week with adolescents (16.79 ± 0.7 years) that practiced different sports (volleyball, basketball, athletics and soccer).


    Although little used to evaluate anaerobic parameters in handball athletes, the RAST presents great feasibility of use because it has specificity to actual actions of trainings and games, besides being reproducible and of simple application, being able to provide fundamental information about some collective sports modalities that use racing as main action, such as handball. (Andrade et al., 2015)


    Luteberget et al. (2015) evaluated 18 high-performance handball athletes by subdividing them into two training groups (traditional sprints and other sprints with sled use), besides the tactical and technical training, evaluating the running speed before and after the period of 10 weeks of intervention (two weekly sessions). These authors found no improvement in times of 30-meter sprints as a result of both interventions, whereas there was improvement for 10-meter sprints only for the group that performed the traditional training of sprints. In our study, significant results (p<0.01) and positive qualitative inference were obtained in the parameters of power and maximum speed through the RAST. In this sense, the type of training used - plyometric combined with repeated sprints - proved to be effective in the performance gain of the skills evaluated in a shorter training period (eight weeks).


    In addition, it is emphasized that Luteberget et al. (2015) performed a sprint protocol with a mean volume of 260 meters per session (twice a week), and each sprint course between 10 and 20 meters, whereas our study obtained a mean volume of 605 meters per training session (once a week), with a course between 8 to 10 meters per sprint. To this fact it is emphasized that sprints up to 10 meters are more likely to occur in actions of handball games when compared to larger distances (30 meters). (Luteberget et al., 2015)


    To our knowledge, this is the first study with female handball athletes to associate the training of two plyometric sessions with a session of repeated sprints during the week. This protocol, with two weekly days of plyometric training, is in line with most of the studies that use this practice to improve sports performance, and Chelly et al. (2014) strongly recommend the introduction of plyometric training twice a week together with the conventional routine of technical and tactical training on court, since this conjuncture improved important components to the performance of handball, particularly explosive actions, such as sprinting, jumping and ball-throwing speed.


    Other studies performed protocol similar to ours but not for women or handball players. Cherif et al. (2012) observed that a group of 11 male handball players that combined plyometrics training with repeated sprints for 12 weeks (twice a week), improved performance for the variables CMJ and sprint ability. On the other hand, De Villarreal et al. (2015) evaluated the effect of a plyometric training combined with sprints in the performance of adolescent soccer players that trained for nine weeks (twice a week) and had the usual session of technical and tactical training, obtaining significant improvements in the tests of jumps, speed and agility but not in the aerobic capacity evaluated by the Yo-Yo test. In our study, significant differences were found in the aerobic capacity of handball athletes (p<0.001) through the Yo-Yo test. This may have occurred because participants of the aforementioned study were pubertal athletes, thus the aerobic capacity may still not be susceptible to substantial improvements, as well as the adaptations imposed by the training may not significantly affect the aerobic condition during the training period, De Villarreal et al. (2015) different from the condition of athletes evaluated in our study, young adults.


    In contrast, Kvorning et al. (2017) observed that training with actions of strength and resistance in precompetitive season for eight weeks (three times a week) enhanced the agility performance (T-test), improving aerobic capacity assessed by the Yo-Yo test, whereas no changes were observed in jump performance and strength levels of lower limbs of male handball athletes. In our results, we also found no statistical significance for CMJ, similar to the findings of Carvalho et al. (2014) in elite male adult handball athletes, which can be explained by the fact that these athletes were already well trained and, consequently, would not achieve significant changes, especially for this variable. (Kvorning et al., 2017)


    Chelly et al. (2014) suggested that studies with plyometric training should be conducted for female handball athletes. In a recent literature review, Stojanovic et al. (2017) stated that plyometric training is an effective form of training to improve vertical jump performance in female athletes. However, there are other variables such as agility and speed of running to be better studied. On the other hand, Luteberget et al. (2015) point out that studies with specific sprint training data in handball are also necessary, as seen in other sports such as soccer.


    In this context, Dias et al. (2016) demonstrated that female soccer players (23.13 ± 1.9 years), who performed speed training associated with technical and tactical training during preseason (seven weeks, twice a week), obtained significant improvement for the time variables of the RAST, improving the anaerobic power of athletes. As for Beato et al. (2018) they evaluated soccer players (17 ± 0.8 years) in the inter-season (six weeks, two sessions per week), before and after plyometric training associated to the specific actions of the modality (accelerations and decelerations, changes of direction), observing positive qualitative inference in horizontal tests (HJ and TH), and speed test. In our study, after the proposed intervention, positive qualitative inference was observed in all variables analyzed, except for percentage of fatigue, which had a decrease of 0.7%, even with substantial increase in muscle power over all aspects analyzed by RAST. These results may explain the positive adaptations in the anaerobic performance as a result of the proposed training. In fact, maintaining high levels of running speed during the test demonstrates the tendency of fatigue retardation, an extremely interesting condition in team sports (e.g.: football, basketball and handball) whose characteristics require repetition of muscle actions at high levels of effort. (Assuncao et al., 2018)


    Despite the considerations made in this study, we have to consider the lack of the control group and that it is important that further studies being performed considering interventions with plyometric training combined with repeated sprints by handball and others sports athletes.




    These findings may support the effectiveness of a plyometric training combined with repeated sprints (for eight weeks) being effective in improving variables of anaerobic and aerobic performance in female handball athletes after preseason.


Practical applications 


    As practical applications we can consider that academic scientific information on sports preparation of handball athletes is not as comprehensive as seen in other modalities. Thus, this study increases the theoretical framework and meets a specific demand improving the knowledge of the general public, especially of those who have in the modality an everyday form of work. The effective contribution is made through the best basis for planning a training that involves plyometrics combined with repeated sprints, providing to the technicians and athletes actions that prove to be effective and safe with respect to the physical and performance condition of female handball athletes in the preseason period.




    The authors thank the Comitê Paralimpico Brasileiro for the support to the performance evaluations and Angiocorpore Instituto de Medicina Cardiovascular for the support to the medical evaluations. The authors also thank Statistical Felipe Granado de Souza (Federal University of São Paulo, Santos, SP) for valuable statistical help.




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Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, Vol. 26, Núm. 286, Mar. (2022)