Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes | http://www.efdeportes.com

ISSN 1514-3465


Associations among Agility, Sprint, Aerobic, and 

Vertical Jump Performances of Young Badminton Players

Relación entre agilidad, sprint, saltos verticales y rendimiento aeróbico de jóvenes jugadores de bádminton

Associação entre agilidade, sprint, performance aeróbia e saltos verticais de jogadores jovens de badminton


Gabriel Henrique Ornaghi de Araujo*
Cecília Segabinazi Peserico**


*Graduado em Educação Física

Universidade Estadual de Maringá, UEM, Maringá

**Doutorada em Educação Física. Mestra em Educação Física

Graduada em Educação Física Bacharelado

Graduada em Educação Física Licenciatura

Universidade Estadual de Maringá, UEM, Maringá



Reception: 07/07/2019 - Acceptance: 11/05/2020

1st Review: 10/12/2020 - 2nd Review: 11/02/2020


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Suggested reference: Araujo G.H.O. de, & Peserico, C.S. (2020). Associations among Agility, Sprint, Aerobic, and Vertical Jump Performances of Young Badminton Players. Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, 25(271), 44-55. Retrieved from: https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v25i271.2407



    The aim of this study was to examine the associations among agility, sprint, aerobic, and vertical jumps performances of young badminton players. Nine young, male, badminton players with 17.1 ± 4.3 years performed a battery of physical tests on three separate days. The following performance tests were: badminton specific agility test, 5m-Multiple Shuttle Test (5m-MST), the Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test level I (Yo-Yo test) and vertical jumps. It was found a significant and very large correlation (r=0.83) between the Yo-Yo test and 5m-MST distance. The agility test was significantly correlated with 5m-MST and Yo-Yo test with the values classified as large (r=-0.67 and -0.65, respectively). In addition, large to very large associations were reported between agility, sprint and aerobic performances with VJs tests (r=0.54 to 0.83). Therefore, we conclude that the agility, sprint, aerobic, and VJ performances are associated, with correlations classified as very large or large. The current results highlight the need for a comprehensive battery of field tests to evaluate the performance of young badminton players to provide a more effective field-based assessment.

    Keywords: Racquet sports. Physical performance. Data correlation.



    El objetivo del estudio fue examinar las relaciones entre agilidad, sprint, rendimiento aeróbico y saltos verticales de jugadores jóvenes de bádminton. Nueve hombres jóvenes, jugadores de bádminton de 17.1 ± 4.3 años, realizaron una batería de pruebas físicas en 3 días separados. Las pruebas fueron las siguientes: Test de agilidad específica de bádminton, 5m-Multiple Shuttle Test (5m-MST), el Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test Level I (Yo-Yo test) y saltos verticales. Se encontró una correlación significativa y muy alta (r=0.83) entre la prueba Yo-Yo y la distancia en lo 5m-MST. La prueba de agilidad se correlacionó significativamente con el 5m-MST y la prueba Yo-Yo, con valores clasificados como altos (r=-0.67 y -0.65, respectivamente). Además, se demostraron relaciones altas y muy altas entre agilidad, sprint y rendimiento aeróbico con la prueba de saltos verticales (r=0.54 hasta 0.83). Por lo tanto, concluimos que los rendimientos de agilidad, sprint, aeróbicos y saltos verticales son asociados, con correlaciones clasificadas como altas y muy altas. Estos resultados subrayan la necesidad de una batería completa de pruebas de campo para evaluar el rendimiento de jugadores jóvenes de bádminton para proporcionar una evaluación más efectiva.

    Palabras clave: Deportes de raqueta. Rendimiento físico. Correlación de datos.



    O objetivo do estudo foi examinar as associações entre agilidade, sprint, performance aeróbia e saltos verticais de jovens jogadores de badminton. Nove jovens, do sexo masculino, jogadores de badminton com 17,1 ± 4,3 anos realizaram uma bateria de testes físicos em 3 dias separados. Os testes foram os seguintes: Badminton specific agility test, 5m-Multiple Shuttle Test (5m-MST), the Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test level I (Yo-Yo teste) e saltos verticais. Foi encontrada uma correlação significante e muito elevada (r=0,83) entre o teste Yo-Yo e a distância no teste 5m-MST. O teste de agilidade foi significantemente correlacionado com o 5m-MST e Yo-Yo teste, com valores classificados como elevados (r=-0,67 e -0,65, respectivamente). Além disso, associações elevadas até muito elevadas foram demonstradas entre agilidade, sprint e desempenho aeróbio com os testes de saltos verticais (r=0,54 - 0,83). Portando, concluímos que os desempenhos em teste de agilidade, sprint, potência aeróbia e saltos verticais estão associados, com correlações classificadas como elevadas e muito elevadas. Esses resultados ressaltam a necessidade de uma bateria abrangente de testes de campo para avaliar o desempenho de jovens jogadores de badminton para proporcionar avaliações mais efetivas.

    Unitermos: Esportes com raquete. Desempenho físico. Correlação de dados.


Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, Vol. 25, Núm. 271, Dic. (2020)




    Badminton is an intermittent sport, which requires energy delivered from aerobic (≅60-70%) and anaerobic (≅30%) systems to sustain the demands of matches; it is suggested that success during matches may be in part determined by an athlete’s ability to maintain performance under high loads of strain (Alder et al., 2019; Abdullahi, & Coetzee, 2019; Phomsoupha, & Laffaye, 2015). To improve players’ performances, it is important to identify the most important physical capacities based on regular assessments (i.e., tests); these evaluations are components for monitoring the efficacy of badminton training regimes and can be used to prescribe training to provide appropriate training stimuli (Alder et al., 2019; Fernandez-Fernandez, Ulbricht, & Ferrauti, 2014; Lim, Wee, Chan, & Ler, 2012). Thus, players must have great physical fitness, seeking to improve different capabilities, such as aerobic, anaerobic, agility, and muscular power and strength to achieve successful performances. (Phomsoupha, & Laffaye, 2015; Lim, Wee, Chan, & Ler, 2012; Ooi et al., 2009)


    Studies of badminton field tests have been conducted to determine the main physical and physiological parameters that demonstrate a greater view of players’ physical fitness (Ooi et al., 2009; Phomsoupha, & Laffaye, 2020; Madsen, Badault, & Nybo, 2018). For example, Madsen, Badault, & Nybo (2018) assessed young participants performing sprint, vertical jump (VJ), speed, and endurance tests; the authors compared the world’s top 50 singles players classified in different categories and found that young players improve their speed and endurance performance with age, suggesting that badminton-specific tests are recommended when evaluating badminton players.


    Relationships between performance variables obtained from different tests were demonstrated in some studies with racquet sports (Girard, & Millet, 2009; Nadzalan, Mohamad, Lee, & Chinnasee, 2018; Munivrana, Filipčić, & Filipčić, 2015; Sonoda et al., 2018; Tomaszewski et al., 2018; Wilkinson et al., 2012); however, few of these studies evaluated badminton players (Nadzalan, Mohamad, Lee, & Chinnasee, 2018; Munivrana, Filipčić, & Filipčić, 2015; Sonoda et al., 2018). It is important to mention that associations between performance tests can demonstrate the entire physical fitness necessary for badminton players, and consequently improve training programs.


    In this context, badminton studies have shown few associations between physical tests. For example, Tomaszewski et al. (2018) associated the agility and aerobic performances of 20 elite and sub-elite badminton players and showed no significant correlation between the maximal oxygen uptake (V̇O2max) determined on a cycle ergometer test and times achieved in two agility tests (r=-0.31 and -0.37). Nadzalan et al. (2018) verified the relationship between muscle architecture and badminton-specific physical abilities in university badminton players, and the main findings were the significant correlations between some of the muscle architecture factors and performance on some tests; the authors did not present the correlations between the performance tests, such as the association between VJ and agility test. However, to the best of our knowledge, no study has been conducted to investigate the relationships between different physical capabilities (e.g., agility, sprint, aerobic and vertical jump) to determine a better vision of the sport-specific demands that characterize badminton players.


    Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the associations among agility, sprint, aerobic, and vertical jumps performances of young badminton players. Our hypothesis was that these physical variables are highly correlated.






    Nine young, male, badminton players with 17.1 ± 4.3 years participated in this study. The body composition measures of the participants (mean ± SD) were: height: 1.7 ± 0.1 m; body mass: 62.2 ± 15.6 kg; body mass index (BMI): 21.5 ± 5.2 kg∙m-2; body fat: 10.0 ± 7.0 %. The training characteristics were frequency of 3 sessions per week, 2 hours per session and experience in badminton training of 21.2 ± 10.3 months. Prior to testing, written informed consent was obtained from all participants and all procedures and test protocols were explained individually for each participant. The protocol was approved by the Local Human Research Ethics Committee.


Experimental design 


    This is an experimental study with a descriptive design. Participants performed a battery of physical tests on three separate days with an interval of 48 hours between each test day. On day 1, the participants completed three vertical jumps (VJs); after one hour of passive recovery they performed the badminton-specific movement agility test. On day 2, the 5-m multiple shuttle test (5m-MST) was performed. Finally, on day 3 the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test level I (Yo-Yo test) was applied. All tests were conducted individually at the same place as the players’ training and at the same time of day; participants were familiar with the testing protocols and procedures. The participants were instructed to abstain from caffeine and alcohol, and to refrain from strenuous exercise for 24 hours prior to the tests.


Badminton-Specific Movement Agility Test 


    The test to determine agility was performed with specifics badminton movements using the protocol described by the previous study by Tomaszewski et al. (2018).Each participant had 10 minutes to complete own specific warm-up and two submaximal efforts on the Badminton-specific movement agility test. The test was performed on a single badminton court with standardized measures, and required players to perform rapid sideways and diagonal movements with abrupt changes in direction to touch the shuttlecocks with their hands. The test had two phases, in which the players should position themselves in the central base of the court to start and return with at least one foot to the center of the court to validate their execution during and at the end of the test. Between the phases the players had five minutes for recovery. For the data analysis the duration times of phase 1 and phase 2 were added and it was used as the result.


5-m Multiple Shuttle Test (5m-MST) 


    The 5m-MST was performed according to the methods described previously (Van Rooyen, Lambert, & Waldeck, 2004; Ooi et al., 2009) to determine sprint performance. Each participant had 10 minutes to complete own specific warm-up and two submaximal efforts of the 5m-MST. For this test, six cones were placed 5 meters apart from each other in a straight line to cover a total distance of 25 meters. The test consisted of six sprints with a change of direction, with run time of 30 seconds sprint and 35 seconds recovery time between sprints. To start the test, players positioned themselves in the first cone and upon an auditory signal they sprinted 5 meters to a second cone, touched the ground with one hand and returned to the first cone. Then, they sprinted 10m to a third cone and back to the first cone, etc., until 30 seconds. The players should accumulate the greatest possible distance within the 30 seconds execution time. The performance was determined by the total distance (meters) (the total distance covered during the 6×30-s sprints/shuttles). (Ooi et al., 2009)


Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test level I (Yo-Yo test) 


    The Yo-Yo test protocol was conducted according to procedures of the established methods (Bangsbo, Laia, & Krustrup, 2008). The test consisted of repeated 2x20 meters runs at a progressively increased speed, which was controlled by audio beeps located immediately adjacent to the 20-m long running lanes indicated by markers. Between each running bout, the participants had a 10 seconds rest period in which they were required to move to a cone 5m away before returning to the start line. The participants should remain in the test until voluntary exhaustion. The parameters analyzed were the total distance covered and the maximal oxygen uptake (V̇̇O2max) predicted from the formula: Distance(m)x0.0084+36.416. (Bangsbo, Laia, & Krustrup, 2008)


Vertical jumps (VJs) 


    Performances in VJs were measured using an electronic platform (Jump System Pro 1.0, Cefise®, SP-Brasil) to determine the legs muscular power (W/kg). The participants performed three different vertical jumps tests: Squat Jump (SJ), Countermovement Jump (CMJ) and Countermovement Jump with arms help (CMJA). Before testing, the players performed self-administered submaximal CMJs and SJ as warm-up. The SJ was performed starting from a static half-squat position (90° knee angle) with the torso erect and hands positioned on the hips. In the CMJ, the participants remained in an upright position (180° knee angle) with their hands positioned at the waist; at the appraiser's signal, he crouched quickly and then took the leap. In the CMJA, players followed the same recommendations of the CMJ test, but used the aid of the arms to propel himself. Each participant performed three maximal attempts for each VJ type, with fifteen seconds of recovery between them; in addition, between each VJ type it was one minute of rest. The highest value of muscle power (W/kg), obtained between each attempt, was used as VJ performance. (Nuzzo, McBride, Cormie, & McCaulley, 2008)


Statistical analysis 


    Data are presented as means ± standard deviations (SD) and were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 17.0 software. The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to check the normality of the data distribution. Correlations between performance variables were performed using the Pearson (r) correlation coefficient. The correlations were classified according to Hopkins et al. (2009) as trivial (r=<0.1), small (r=0.1 to <0.3), moderate (r=0.3 to <0.5), large (r=0.5 to <0.7), very large (r=0.7 to <0.9), and extremely large (r=0.9 to 1.0). Statistical significance was set at p<0.05.




    Table 1 brings the descriptive results obtained during the physical tests to determine agility, sprint, aerobic and VJs performances of the young badminton players.


Table 1. Performance variables obtained during the physical tests of the young badminton players


Mean ± SD

Agility test duration (s)

53.5 ± 3.8

5m-MST distance (m)

681.9 ± 69.9

Yo-Yo distance (m)

1028. ± 358.2

̇O2max (ml∙kg-1∙min-1)

45.0 ± 3.0

SJ power (W/kg)

47.0 ± 5.3

CMJ power (W/kg)

49.2 ± 5.3

CMJA power (W/kg)

56.0 ± 7.7

Notes: n = 9; 5m-MST = 5-m Multiple Shuttle Test; Yo-Yo = Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test level I; V̇̇O2max = maximal oxygen uptake; SJ = squat jump; CMJ = countermovement jump; CMJA = countermovement jump with arms help.


    Figure 1 shows the correlations (r) among 5m-MST distance, badminton-specific movement agility test (i.e., test duration) and Yo-Yo test (i.e., distance and V̇̇O2max). It were found significant and very large values for the correlation between Yo-Yo test vs. 5m-MST distance. In addition, significant correlations, classified as large, were observed between agility test duration vs. 5m-MST and agility test vs. Yo-Yo test.


Figure 1. Scatter plots representing the relationship between (A) agility test and 5m-MST; 

(B) agility test and Yo-Yo test; (C) agility test and V̇̇O2max; (D) 5m-MST and Yo-Yo test; 

(E) 5m-MST and V̇O2max; variables obtained during the physical tests of the young badminton players

Figure 1. Scatter plots representing the relationship between (A) agility test and 5m-MST; (B) agility test and Yo-Yo test; (C) agility test and V?O2max; (D) 5m-MST and Yo-Yo test; (E) 5m-MST and V?O2max; variables obtained during the physical tests of the young badminton players

Note: n = 9; 5m-MST = 5-m Multiple Shuttle Test; Yo-Yo test = Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test level I; 

V̇O2max = maximal oxygen uptake. * p<0.05.


    Table 2 demonstrated significant and very large correlation values for the associations between the VJs vs. 5m-MST distance, CMJ and CMJA vs agility test. The correlation between SJ vs. agility test was significant and large. Concerning the correlations between the three VJs (SJ, CMJ, CMJA), it was observed high correlation values that ranged between 0.86 to 0.99 (very large and extremely large), as expected.


Table 2. Correlations between agility, sprint and aerobic performance variables 

and vertical jumps obtained during the physical tests of the young badminton players



test duration (s)


Distance (m)


Distance (m)



SJ power (W/kg)




(very large)





CMJ power (W/kg)


(very large)


(very large)





CMJA power (W/kg)


(very large)


(very large)





Notes: n = 9; 5m-MST = 5-m Multiple Shuttle Test; Yo-Yo = Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test level I; V̇O2max = maximal oxygen uptake; SJ = squat jump; CMJ = countermovement jump; CMJA = countermovement jump with arms help.





    The main finding of the present study was that there were large and very large correlations between the performance variables (i.e., physical tests), confirming the previously established hypothesis. Badminton performance is determined by the relationship between combined aerobic and anaerobic capabilities with agility, speed, muscular strength and power (Phomsoupha, & Laffaye, 2015; Fernandez-Fernandez, Ulbricht, & Ferrauti, 2014). For example, badminton players need high aerobic capacity because the duration of the game is relatively long, good anaerobic fitness because of the high-intensity short periods (Abdullahi, & Coetzee, 2017; Phomsoupha, & Laffaye, 2015), agility to move quickly in different directions (Phomsoupha, & Laffaye, 2015; Loureiro, & De Freitas, 2016) and high lower limb muscular power for VJs during games. (Lim, Wee, Chan, & Ler, 2012; Petrigna et al., 2019)


    Concerning aerobic performance, it has been demonstrated that badminton players show high heart rate values and high percentages of individual aerobic power (i.e., V̇O2max) during a match (Phomsoupha, & Laffaye, 2015; Ooi et al., 2009). In our study, we determined the aerobic performance using the Yo-Yo test, which is used to evaluate an individual’s ability to repeat intermittent exercise with a high aerobic demand. In addition to aerobic performance, the anaerobic capacity, represented by multiple sprints and characterized by high intensity exercise combined with fast recovery between sprints, is very important for players’ best performances (Fernandez-Fernandez, Ulbricht, & Ferrauti, 2014; Phomsoupha, & Laffaye, 2020; Phomsoupha, Berger, & Laffaye, 2017). It is important to mention that we used the 5m-MST as a repeated sprint test, which is a more specific approach for anaerobic testing. (Ooi et al., 2009)


    In this context, we found a significant and very large correlation (r=0.83) between the Yo-Yo test and 5m-MST distance. It is important to mention that a high level of aerobic fitness enhances the fast recovery between multiple sprints, and consequently, confers a better result during anaerobic actions (Phomsoupha, & Laffaye, 2020; Bangsbo, Laia, & Krustrup, 2008; Phomsoupha, Berger, & Laffaye, 2017). However, although some studies have demonstrated the aerobic and sprint performances of badminton players (Phomsoupha, & Laffaye, 2015; Ooi et al., 2009; Madsen, Badault, & Nybo, 2018), no study has revealed the association between these two performances in badminton. In elite-standard squash players, Wilkinson et al. (2012) demonstrated associations among a battery of fitness tests with the player rank; the participants performed the multiple-sprint test and 20-m shuttle runs for V̇O2max prediction, and in contrast to our findings, the authors showed no significant correlations between the sprint performance and V̇O2max in men (r=-0.27) and women (r=-0.53).


    Because badminton players need to be proficient at moving quickly in a linear direction, laterally and multidirectional, one of the most important physical abilities for successful performance in badminton is the agility (Phomsoupha, & Laffaye, 2015; Fernandez-Fernandez, Ulbricht, & Ferrauti, 2014; Loureiro, & De Freitas, 2016; Sheppard, & Young, 2006). A wide variety of tests that measure changes in direction ability have been employed in different racquet sports (Sheppard, & Young, 2006); in the present study, the players performed the badminton-specific movement agility test that has been used in other studies. (Ooi et al., 2009; Tomaszewski et al., 2018)


    Our results showed that the agility test duration was significantly correlated with the results of the 5m-MST and Yo-Yo test, with the values classified as large (r=-0.67 and -0.65, respectively). Some studies of badminton previously revealed the importance of agility for players (Ooi et al., 2009; Phomsoupha, & Laffaye, 2020; Loureiro, & De Freitas, 2016); however, few studies in racquet sports have verified the association between agility performance with aerobic (Tomaszewski et al., 2018; Wilkinson et al., 2012) or sprint performance. (Munivrana, Filipčić, & Filipčić, 2015; Wilkinson et al., 2012)


    The association between agility and sprint performances found in our results was similar to that reported in the study by Wilkinson et al. (2012), who observed that the agility tests results were significantly correlated to multiple-sprint ability in men (r=0.89) and women (r=0.84). Nevertheless, Munivrana, Filipčić, & Filipčić (2015) examined the relation between the 5-m and 20-m sprint tests and two agility tests in male and female young tennis players; the authors reported small to moderate correlations between the two agility tests and 20-m sprint test in both men and women. One explanation for these different results compared to ours is the test used by Munivrana, Filipčić, & Filipčić (2015), in which they used a unique sprint as the performance test, while we used a multiple sprint test.


    The large association between agility and aerobic performances demonstrated in our findings is different compared to that demonstrated in other studies that found low and no significant correlations between these performances (Tomaszewski et al., 2018; Wilkinson et al., 2012). Tomaszewski et al. (2018) associated the agility and aerobic capacity of 20 elite and sub-elite badminton players and showed correlations of -0.31 and -0.37 between the V̇O2max determined on an incremental cyclergometer test and times achieved in part A and part B of the badminton-specific agility test, respectively. Wilkinson et al. (2012) showed associations among a battery of fitness tests in elite-standard squash players and reported no significant correlation between the agility test (i.e., change-of-direction speed test) and V̇O2max predicted by the shuttle run test among men (r=-0.02) and women (r =-0.59).


    The different results between our data and those of other studies (Tomaszewski et al., 2018; Wilkinson et al., 2012) may be related to the tests used for V̇O2max and agility determination. For example, while we used the Yo-Yo test, Tomaszewski et al. (2018) used cycle ergometer tests to determine the aerobic performance; however, a cycle ergometer test is not similar to the physiological demands of a badminton match (Phomsoupha, & Laffaye, 2015; Madsen, Badault, & Nybo, 2018). Furthermore, comparisons with the findings of Wilkinson et al. (2012) are limited, especially due to the different movement patterns in the agility test compared to that in our study.


    Another important finding in our study was the large to very large associations among agility, sprint, and aerobic performances with VJs tests. VJs are multi-joint actions performed in most sports and have been used to evaluate lower limb muscular strength and power, in which CMJ and SJ are VJ types considered reliable and valid for this evaluation (Nuzzo, McBride, Cormie, & McCaulley, 2008; Petrigna et al., 2019). Badminton studies have involved in determining the muscular power based on VJs and demonstrated that this performance is very important for success during games (Phomsoupha, & Laffaye, 2015; Ooi et al., 2009; Madsen, Badault, & Nybo, 2018). For example, Phomsoupha, & Laffaye (2020) have aimed to demonstrate variables that predict the number of points scored by players during a season and have shown that increased SJ height performance is associated with a greater number of points scored. In addition, it has been reported that with high SJ, players benefit with an improved angle of attack and higher shuttlecock launch velocity.


    Regarding the association between VJs and agility, we found very large correlations between CMJ vs. agility test and between CMJA vs. agility test (r=-0.71 and -0.75, respectively), and a large value for the SJ vs. agility test result (r=-0.69). Sheppard, & Young (2006) highlighted that strength and power measures in VJs influence agility, and in sports such as badminton that involve changes in direction over short distances, strength and power have a stronger relationship with changes in direction speed than that in athletes who perform directional changes with higher speeds over longer distances. Our results are in agreement with those of Ooi et al. (2009) who found that 63% and 49% of the variance in the sideways and four-corner agility tests, respectively, were significantly associated with the variance in the CMJ test among badminton athletes. In addition, Sonoda et al. (2018) examined the association between agility and lower limb muscle strength with the objective of demonstrating the muscles that influence agility among university badminton players; they found that agility significantly correlated with hip extension strength (r=0.60) and plantar flexion (r=0.70), suggesting that hip extension training and improvements in ankle plantar flexion strength may improve agility.


    In the present study, all the VJs performances significantly correlated with the 5m-MST performance with values ranging from 0.74 to 0.83. Because this underlies the importance of muscle strength and power in the lower extremities to produce explosive action (Phomsoupha, & Laffaye, 2015; Fernandez-Fernandez, Ulbricht, & Ferrauti, 2014), the very large association between sprint and VJs performances was expected. Similar to our findings, Girard, & Millet (2009) demonstrated a high association between VJs (i.e., CMJ and SJ) vs. 5-, 10- and 20-m sprint times (r=from -0.79 to -0.97) in a group of competitive teenage tennis players. Differently, Wilkinson et al. (2012) found no significant correlation between CMJ height and multiple-sprint performance times among male and female squash players (r=-0.11 and -0.34, respectively). These comparisons with other studies are limited due to the different sports evaluated and because no work has been conducted to investigate badminton players.


    Finally, the associations between VJs performances and the Yo-Yo test were lower than the other correlations in the present study; however, they were still classified as large (r=0.54 to 0.56). Madsen et al. (2018) observed no significant correlation between CMJ and endurance performance test among young badminton players; the authors did not report the correlation values for better interpretation of the results. Furthermore, compared to our findings, Wilkinson et al. (2012) found lower correlation values for the association between CMJ height vs.V̇O2max among male and female (r=0.03 and 0.40, respectively) squash players. However, no study of badminton players reported correlation values between VJs and aerobic performances.


    Despite the important findings concerning the association among physical tests of badminton players, the present study had limitations. It is important to recognize the lack of other performance variables that may have been included in a complete evaluation protocol for badminton, including parameters such as maximal strength/power of the upper limb and acceleration. Furthermore, despite we not evaluated a large number of badminton players (n=9), the statistical analysis suggested important associations between the performance tests, mainly because the significance and the high correlations values observed.




    Therefore, we conclude that the agility, sprint, aerobic, and VJ performances are associated, with correlations classified as very large or large. Concerning the scientific relevance and practical application, the current results highlight the need for a comprehensive battery of field tests to evaluate the performance of young badminton players to provide a more effective field-based assessment. Furthermore, it is suggested that coaches should focus on improving these capabilities during training programs, thus providing an indication of young badminton players’ potential success.




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Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, Vol. 25, Núm. 271, Dic. (2020)