Physio-methodologycal fundamentation of
the development of capacities in Karate-do

4th Dan.
Methodologycal, Promotion and Scientific Research Committee.
Cuban Karate-do and Martial Arts Federation.
Prof. Ray Haramboure



http://www.efdeportes.com/ Revista Digital - Buenos Aires - Año 9 - N° 65 - Octubre de 2003

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    Karate-do in modern times, even whenit is still consider a traditional martial art, is each time more includded in the sport sphere. One of the most significant changes that it haas suffered on it long way have been the scientific "invasion" that have brought about its regloamentation, organization and planning.

    An important topic, that have received the influence of sciences such as Fisiology, Pedagogy, Didactics, Methodology, Biomecanics, Biochemestry and Pshycology among others, is the sport preparation process. From this process, as all the authors had explained, the physical preparation has a great importance because it is consider as the base of the rest of the process. Physical preparation guarantee the optimal body functioning for learn and improve the specific movement of each sport (technical preparation) and it, together with phsycologycal preparation, assures the chance to perform those movements in a real situation with a great average of effectiveness (tactical preparation)

    Physical preparation, according Ozolin, N, G. (1970), is directed to the development of capacities, strenght of organs and improve the body functioning. Among those directions, Harre, D. explains that the most important is the development of capacities. He said that: "The main content of physical preparation lies on the development od capacities, specially strenght, endurance, velocity and movility. This capacities, that are also known as conditions, are a fundamental reuqueriment for a high faculty of sport average, and are equal important for those sports in wich the success lies on the technique for score, or in the tactical habilities as for instance the sport games and fighting sports" (1973:17)

    It is true that, from the poitn of view of health welfare, any physical activity give beneficts. But, when we are learning and improving an specific sport modality, we should have special care and focus the physical workout accordind the requeriments of our activity. For that we have a simple example: lest take two outstanding runners from different distances, if you allowe me I will choose the dominican sprinter Félix Sánches and the ethiopian stayer Haile Gebreselasse. Nobody can doubt that in order to reach the amazing results that this sportmans have achieved, had had a lot of training time. But...If we exchange thier modalities? There wont be any doubt that Sánches will have to make a great effort to complete the race of infinite kilometers, and that to Gebreselasse wont be easy to reach a great speed in a short race. Explanation? They are not specifically prepared for that.

    Here we can see the main problem of ohysical preparation: The volumen and intensity of the work. The answer of it should be searched on the energetic systems from the human body. Those systems are known, initially, as aerobis or anaerobics. On the first case the energy is produced on the cell mitocondries, and on the second in the cell citoplasm and muscle fibers. In spite of the capacities explained in the International Karate-do Competitve Regloament assured its anaerobical criterias, we will explain all the systems.

    Among the anaerobical systems we see on fisrt position the alactacid (also known as fosfagenus or Lohman reaction) On this system the creatin fosfatus (ATP) reacts with ADP (catalized by creatinfosfokinasic enzime), and the final product are creatine (CR) and ATP. The maxim energetic capacity is reached in the 2-3 first seconds, and its maxim energetic power is reached from the 12 to 35 seconds. The body is complete restablished in 4-5 minutes. Based on those structure of volumen and intensity, this energetic system assured the development of capacities such as streght (maxim and explosive), reaction and speed mainly. For that, the authors suggest that in the general preparation period the athlets should perform races from 3 to 100 meters, with a relation of work and rest of (1:3) or (1:4). The cardiac pulse rate should be around 150-169 in a minute. On the special preparation period the athlete should perform the specifical movements with the same dosification.

    Another anaerobical system is the lactacid (also known as glicolictic), in wich glucose or glucogene (without oxygen and catalized by fosfofructokinase enzime), bring about the Lactic Acid and ATP. The maxim energetic capacity apears on the 20-30 seconds, and the maxim energetic power can be kept until 7 minutes. For a full body resting are neccessary at least 3 minutes. This energetic system assured the development of combined capacities such as resistence of strenght and resistence of speed. On that case the aothors suggest mainly races from 150 to 1000 meters, with a work and resting relation of (1:2) The cardiac pulse rate should be about 170-189 in a minute.

    Finally the aerobical system, assuring the develoment of endurance and movility, characterized by a very low intensity and a long and continuos work. The cardiac pulse rate sould not be over 149 in a minute. This system produces ATP in the Krebs cicle from glucids, fats and proteins. The possibility of energy supply depends of several factors such as:

Physical: Exchange gas posibilities between lungs and enviroment.

Quemical: Combination of Oxygen and alveolar oxyhemoglobine (HBH)

Biologycal: Development of cardiac and circulatory systems.

    Obeying those fundaments we will avoid the mistakes that almost all of us have commited in any time of our pedagogycal duty, either in demand a high intensity in the endurance work or order a long time of work in speed or strenght.


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